Press Release – AIM Group implements a new corporate Code of Ethics
AIM Group International has introduced a new corporate Code of Ethics for all Italian and foreign companies of the group.
The Code of Ethics summarises the corporate values of AIM Group International with a commitment to entrepreneurial correctness, fair competition, the enhancement of human resources, loyalty and transparency, professionalism, environmental sustainability and a strict compliance with all laws and regulations.
“Our commitment to an ethical and responsible business has been part of the DNA of AIM Group since its foundation and drives us to keep our vigilance high”, outlines Gianluca Buongiorno, President of AIM Group International. “We consider it important to introduce our new Code of Ethics updated with respect to the new regulations in force. It must be the only valid reference for all the companies and activities of the group, in Italy and abroad.”
According to the Code of Ethics not only all managers, employees and collaborators of AIM Group but also consultants, suppliers, business partners and all those acting on behalf of AIM Group must comply with its principles and rules. AIM Group is therefore committed to promoting an awareness of the Code of Ethics both internally, with dedicated training to the employees, and externally, involving suppliers and partners.
The Code of Ethics also introduces the new function of the Compliance Officer with the task of providing support for clarifications on the rules, controlling its application and verifying any reported violation, as well as coordinating communication and training activities about the Code. AIM Group entrusted this task to Paolo Ottone, Head of Quality Assurance of AIM Group.
Particular attention is then paid to compliance with laws and codes of conduct when collaborating with Public Administrations and Governments, when organising events with health professionals and to preventing conflicts of interest.
AIM Group International, as leader in the Meeting Industry for more than 55 years, is aware of its responsibility to clients and all stakeholders in terms of ethics, sustainability, transparency and quality of service.
“The implementation of the new deontological charter is part of the Group’s constant commitment to provide itself with instruments that guarantee high professional standards and insure compliance with these principles”, adds Paolo Ottone. “The Italian companies of AIM Group, for example, have adopted an Organisation and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 and the group has equipped itself, since 2000, with a certified Quality System UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015.”