AIM Group received the FCE Award for IPSEN Community Day
Federcongressi&eventi, the Italian association that represents professionals and public and private companies of the national meetings industry, gave the FCE Awards 2023 – Sustainability Category to AIM Group International for the IPSEN Community Day.
To make the first convention since the pandemic memorable, IPSEN Re-Connect 2022, AIM Group has created a team building event with a big CSR and sustainability value. Thanks to a creative approach, we put in contact organizations that had never collaborated before: Giffoni Film Festival, Legambiente and Ipsen.
Ipsen involved more than 130 employees who headed to the beach of Pollica, near the congress center which hosted the conference, to collect rubbish and plastic debris (small items like bottles and wastepaper as well as big ones like tyres, PCs, TVs) that was hidden in the sand and among the trees. On the beach, the volunteers and experts in environmental welfare from Legambiente, made a speech about how plastics pollute the beaches and the sea and how they affect on the natural environment and wildlife.
214 kilos of rubbish were collected overall, of which 79kg was plastics, 41Kg end-of-life tyres, 36kg of glass, 28 kg of iron and 11 kg of organic waste.
Ipsen employees were shocked by the large amount of rubbish they found on the beach in a protected natural oasis. One employee for example remarked: “Looking at what we collected I think that by paying more attention and changing our habits, we could really do a lot for our planet and our environment”.
So, another positive side of this clean-up is that hundreds of people were given the opportunity to think about ecological matters; in addition to making the beach cleaner, from that day these people will be more aware and sensitive to the fact that small, but non negligible, actions matter and can make the difference to care about our Planet.
Read the full story here