AIM Group supported the organisation of the Y20 Summit, part of the G20 events
During the hybrid event, with a large international audience gathered for five days, the young delegates discussed and prepared a document consigned to the G20 Leaders.
The Y20 Summit is one of the important events taking place in preparation for the G20 of world leaders scheduled in Italy in October, and for the first time it was hosted in Italy. The works of the Summit of the Young Ambassadors Society (Y20) took place From Monday 19 to Friday 23 July; Y20 is the official engagement group of the G20, created with the aim of empowering young people (20-30 years) to express their ideas about the future to the Heads of State and Government of the G20.
This year the event took place with a full virtual format for 4 days (19-21-22-23 July) and hybrid format on the 20th, with the numerous speakers who met remotely and in person in Bergamo and all the sessions broadcast online in live streaming on the Facebook profile of the Young Ambassadors Society.
During the Summit, the young people were able to listen and interact with high-level representatives of the institutions, researchers and academics, ambassadors, representatives of international organizations and leaders of important Italian and international companies.
The participants shared ideas and proposals on three macro-areas: Innovation, digitization and the future of work; Sustainability, climate and energy; Inclusion and equal opportunities. The inputs collected during the first four days of the Summit were summarized in the Y20 Communiqué which was officially delivered to the G20 Sherpa, Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo, during the last day of the Summit.
The works were hosted at the prestigious and beautiful headquarters of the University of Bergamo and included some social moments, including a dinner at the Monastery of Astino.
AIM Group, which won a tender a few months ago for the organization of the G20 events (Lot 3 – technicians and preparatory meetings), supported the organization of the event, managing all the technical services, in particular, also for the direction and online streaming, the secretariat, all face-to-face sessions, including some social events.