Communicating neurology in times of Covid: from local territories to the digital environment.
Gas Communication, a communication and media relations agency part of AIM Communication, launches new integrated awareness campaigns focusing on videos and social media.
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How has scientific communication to the public, patients and their families changed in times of Covid-19? How can a scientific topic be proposed in an easily understandable way to a non-expert public? How do you manage to make communication about a disease appealing? Gas Communication, a communications agency specialising in press office, media relations and awareness campaigns on health issues, is facing these challenges every day.
Just this March, some projects that will be launched or developed can represent an example of effective solutions:
- “Beyond spasticity”
To increase the awareness about spasticity following a cerebral stroke, about its management in everyday life and the therapeutic treatments during the rehabilitation phase, Gas Communication supported the bio-pharmaceutical company Ipsen in the conception, creation and launch of the dedicated website www.oltrelaspasticita.it .
The initiative aims at offering an online information channel, absent so far, that can help patients and caregivers to easily find useful and verified information. The site, the first in Italy specifically dedicated to this topic, has obtained the patronage of the main scientific societies of the field (neurologists, physiotherapists, physiatrists) and was created in collaboration with the patient association A.L.I.Ce. Italy Odv (Association for the Fight against Cerebral Stroke).
For the launch of the website, Gas has developed an integrated communication plan that includes the social media management of a new Facebook profile, a Google ADS advertising campaign, and press office and media partnership activities.
- “Beware of those two: heart and brain”.
A.L.I.Ce. Italia Odv (Association for the Fight against Cerebral Stroke) would like to launch a new awareness campaign on stroke and atrial fibrillation with the patronage of the relevant scientific societies. Not many people know that the heart plays a crucial role in the outbreak of stroke, with atrial fibrillation being one of the main causes of disabling brain injuries. Hence the need to promote an ad hoc awareness campaign, carried out with the non-conditioning contribution of the Alliance Bristol-Myers Squibb-Pfizer.
Gas Communication had initially imagined the awareness campaign “Beware of those two!” as mainly itinerant, conveyed in hospitals, medical offices and other public spaces. Due to social distancing measures, it has turned towards a full digital campaign. The heart of the campaign is the Facebook page of the ALICe Federation, which will convey correct information according to a social editorial plan, enriched with awareness graphic cards, video interviews with specialists, a self-assessment questionnaire on stroke, atrial fibrillation and correlations with Covid-19. Also, Gas Communication designed and realised the campaign website, www.cuore-cervello.it, which collects information and awareness messages. Finally, in three pilot regions, it will be possible to carry out free video medical consultations, sponsored with geo-localised posts, managed through a special platform, thanks to the collaboration with neurologists and cardiologists active in the area.
“Digital platforms offer us a wide range of possible actions, which can be customised and adapted to the message and targeted with great versatility. Many clients are looking for these kinds of solutions. Despite the current limitations that prohibit events and make communication in the field difficult, it is possible to create rich and effective integrated campaigns, thanks to a strong teamwork among creatives, digital specialists and experts in media relations, able to find new channels and effective tools even with limited budgets” comments Giuliana Goggi, CEO Gas Communication. “During the pandemic, we cannot let our guard down on the many other diseases for which scientific research always brings new perspectives for treatment and prevention. It is not easy to attract attention, but it is necessary to do so, multiplying the initiatives with creativity and attention to the usability, easiness and visual appealing that users expect”.