New awards for AIM Group International
At the Eventex Awards, Floretina2017 and AIPPI World Congress obtained three recognitions, and at the FCE Awards the SIAARTI Academy was awarded by the Jury and the Public
Milan, 7th March 2018 – AIM Group International, a leading company in the organisation of congresses, meetings and events, has received new awards for their highly-innovative, effective and creative events organised. These are the awards:
– Eventex Awards – Best Scientific Congress – 1st place: Floretina2017. At this second edition of the world congress focusing on medical and surgical retina diseases held in Florence, delegates’ engagement was boosted through a renewed approach to innovation thanks to Live Surgery Sessions with 3D technology and a larger scientific product. The event exceeded expectations and registrations literally doubled to 2.500 participants.
– Eventex Awards – Best Medical Congress – 2nd place: Floretina2017.
– Eventex Awards – Best Association Meeting – 2nd place: 2016 AIPPI World Congress. Held in Milan, this global conference attracted more than 2.000 participants (individuals working in intellectual property protection, including lawyers, patent attorneys, trademark agents, judges, scientists and corporations) and was able to engage them by the creative use of unique iconic brands that define Italian excellence worldwide as well as unforgettable social programs and experiences.
– The FCE Excellence Awards 2018, in the category Organisation of congresses and events, AIM Group was recognised for the SIAARTI Academy, a five-day educational congress held in 2017 in Lampedusa for young members of the Italian Society for Anaesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care (SIAARTI). Here is part of what the jury declared: “To have conceived and implemented a highly-innovative medical training event that has actively and emotionally involved the participants and enhanced the island of Lampedusa, a symbolic destination of migrants’ emergencies but also a territory capable of hosting important scientific events. The maxi educational simulation realised by AIM Group International is a well-rounded project with multiple values – social, educational, experiential, scientific, of team building – and an example of the positive role that events can have on a destination, leaving a social and economic legacy”.
– The FCE Member Choice Award, granted by the popular vote of the Federcongressi&eventi members, was given to the SIAARTI Academy.
– A recognition for joining Food for Good, the project promoted by Federcongressi&eventi with the non-profit organisations Banco Alimentare and Equoevento to fight food waste by recovering food that is not consumed by events.
“Our role has always been to support, as a preferred partner, the Associations to achieve their objectives. We do that thanks to innovative, effective and high-quality projects, made possible by an in-depth knowledge of their needs and our strategic consultant approach”, says Patrizia Semprebene Buongiorno, Vice President of AIM Group International. “We are able to realise events we can be proud of, such as the SIAARTI Academy, already internationally recognised at the BEA World Awards and IAPCO Collaboration Awards, and congresses like Floretina2017 and AIPPI World Congress. These events stand out because of their unique programs and the wide range scientific value obtained”.
Read more about Eventex: https://eventex.co/
Read more Federcongressi FCE Awards: http://www.federcongressi.it/index.cfm/it/FCEAwards/