AIM Group International presents its 2017 Annual Report
AIM Group International, a leading agency in the organisation of congresses, meetings and events, publishes its 2017 Annual Report and announces positive economic results.
The significant outcomes achieved include the strengthening of the business, the increased competitiveness in all the target markets and a robust economic development, as defined in AIM Group’s 2015-2017 Business Plan. Further, in 2017 AIM Group expanded the number of clients, from corporate pharma and non-pharma fields, and made steps towards diversification of the business both geographically and in services provided.
Another result is the ability to provide highly-relevant services for clients across many countries: the network of AIM Group International Offices, thanks to organisational optimisations and new business, became stronger, with increased profitability.
In regard to the details of the economic results, thanks to costs optimisation, organisational efficiency and business development, the 2017 Consolidated Balance is positive with an EBIDTA of 2 million euro and an overall turnover of 87,5 million euro, which overcomes 100 million euro when including those companies not fully owned by the Group.
“We are particularly satisfied by the EBITDA results, which have always been positive in our story and confirm the solidity of our managerial strategy” outlines Gianluca Buongiorno, president AIM Group International.
2017 Highlights:
- 2017 Consolidate Results: Turnover 87,534,000 euro, Direct costs 72,119,000 euro, Staff Costs 13,320,000 euro, EBITDA 2,095,000 euro (2%).
- 3,200 events organised with 420,000 delegates managed, 430,000 room nights booked, 20,000 square meters of sold exhibition spaces, in 350 different locations.
- Several international awards received for outstanding events projects.
- The improvement of the Global Hotel programme with an increased number of signed partnership and a yearly hotel production of almost 40 million euro.
- The launch of a new web-based E-learning platform dedicated to training the AIM Group staff
Gianluca Scavo, CEO AIM Group International, adds: “The Group delivered strong financial performances supported by our good commercial momentum with a positive trend and by a consistent focus on costs efficiency.”
The 2018-2021 Business Plan set new goals and ambitious challenges. “We will pursue a clear growth strategy both in terms of company size and high profitability, which we have set at 5% of the EBITDA. We plan to extend our international presence and develop new markets and services areas. In conclusion, these positive results give us a stronger determination to reach our future goals by continuing the smart, steady and passionate work we have demonstrated in the past” ends Gianluca Buongiorno.
The complete Annual Report 2017 is available at this interactive link: http://online.fliphtml5.com/dwoe/czwq/
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