The Rimini Palacongressi will host the IUFoST World Food Congress 2024
The successful bid which sees this international congress coming to Italy for the first time was brought to fruition through a collaboration with the Italian Food Technology Association (AITA), AIM Group International, Rimini Convention Bureau and the Rimini Conference Center (part of the Italian Exhibition Group).
Rimini will host the twenty-second edition of the IUFoST World Food Congress in 2024. It is the first time that this biennial event, organized by IUFoST, the international organization representing over 300,000 scientists, technicians and food engineers from over 75 countries, will be held in Italy.
The bid was promoted by the Italian Food Technology Association (AITA), in collaboration with the Convention Bureau of Rimini Riviera and the Rimini Palacongressi (part of the Italian Exhibition Group), and AIM Group International, as the congress organiser. The strong support from Italian institutions, both governmental and private sector, as well as from scientific societies positively influenced the decision of the international board.
“I am very proud of this result and of being part of a multidisciplinary team that was able to successfully face and solve the challenges related to such an important bid that required us to contend with very competitive countries in terms of hospitality and professionalism” declares Professor Sebastiano Porretta, President of AITA.
The event will be held from 8-12 September 2024 at the Rimini Conference Center. 1,800 participants are expected with about 7,500-9,000 overnight stays over the five congress days. This conference will generate a considerable impact, in terms of knowledge sharing and networking of professional and academic representatives from the entire food industry. A large exhibition area will allow companies active in the control, production, processing and storage of food to present their latest news and products.
The congress program includes technical visits to internationally renowned companies in the food sector, along the Via Emilia and the so-called Food Valley. Before and after the congress, participants will be encouraged to take advantage of their stay in Italy and enrich their experience. They will be able to visit other Italian cities that are home to significant companies in the sector, from Milan to Naples to Palermo.
“We are extremely pleased to be able to bring this important congress to Italy for the first time especially due to the strategic importance that food has to our economy. The destination, the advanced industry and the knowledge that Italy can boast are the perfect levers to be exploited in the short and medium term for the recovery of the events industry” underlines Flaminia Roberti, Global Sales Director of AIM Group International.
“The Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) is proud of the acquisition of an event of this magnitude to the Rimini Palacongressi. The Rimini Conference Center is one of the largest in Europe. Its modern yet adaptable features means that it is increasingly competitive in the international market” observes Fabio De Santis, Director of the Event & Conference Division of IEG, the trade fair company listed on the MTA Italian Stock Exchange. “This event is in line with IEG’s positioning in the agri-food industry, where it boasts a leadership role thanks to events such as: SIGEP, Macfrut, Fieravicola and Beer & Food Attraction”.