Blessed with some of the world’s most recognisable sights – the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe – Paris always leaves an indelible impression, no matter how short the visit.

The range of accommodation options and a constant stream of interesting new venues make the city an ideal venue for events of all types and sizes – from a summer incentive trip to a large winter congress.

AIM Paris offers the expertise only a local can bring both in Paris and in a number of other locations around France.


AIM’s Paris office is staffed by a motivated and multi-lingual team.


The Paris office was established in 2006, and in recent years has expanded its operations to offer destination and logistics services, as well as PCO expertise.
With our multilingual team we offer bespoke programmes for all types of events in most areas of France – including Paris, Lyon, Marseilles, the Riviera and the Alps.

75, boulevard Haussman 75008 - Paris (France)
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