The Italian capital is one of the world’s most appealing destinations, and its name is synonymous with beauty, history and civilisation.

But Rome is also a business centre, and a dynamic international city. It is precisely this mixture of ancient and modern that creates the city’s distinctive atmosphere, and make it a perfect place to hold an event.

It was in Rome that the very first AIM office was founded, back in 1960 – the age of the original paparazzi and the Dolce Vita. Things have changed a lot since then, of course, but AIM Group has flourished to become a point of reference for the entire event industry.

Key people
Alessandro Scattolin
General Manager Corporate Pharma Division AIM Italy
Rosangela Quieti
General Manager Congress Division AIM Italy
Flaminia Roberti
Global Sales Director AIM Group International
+39 06 330531
via Flaminia, 1068 - 00189 Rome
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